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Desiree Gregory’s Avatar

Desiree Gregory

Technical Support Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
3 Answers
3000 Reads
1 Karma

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Zachary’s Avatar
Zachary Jan 17, 2018 1253 views

How do you concentrate on your studies when you just can't focus

I have a hard time focusing on my homework and get distracted very easy. #focus #motivation #homework #studying-tips #study-skills

Meghan’s Avatar
Meghan Jan 29, 2019 1735 views

How do I get more looks on my job applications?

I’m a senior in college currently applying for for time employment post graduation. Many of my applications have been sent to companies online and I have not been getting any call backs. I’ve had my resume checked over and have been assured that it look good. I guess I’m trying to find other...

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Sep 18, 2019 573 views

What job can I get in HVAC?

I am looking for a job that is welling to pay me really good and have flexibility hours. #career #resume