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Frida Bukowski’s Avatar

Frida Bukowski

Ankara, Turkey
2 Answers
3667 Reads
1 Karma



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Maria’s Avatar
Maria Feb 21, 2020 3135 views

What are good personal attributes and qualities to be a good candidate for the computer science field?

I'm considering going into computer science in my future, so I would love to know what qualities would be good to have to be able to make a good candidate for computer science.
#computer #computer-science #science #technology #computer-software #qualities

Regan’s Avatar
Regan Feb 25, 2020 610 views

How can I get professionals to give feedback on a written research proposal?

I have completed a research proposal for my honors program and would love feedback on it from someone with knowledge on nuclear energy and education. #research #nuclear-energy #alternative-energy