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David Thompson’s Avatar

David Thompson

Mechanical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Tijeras, New Mexico
6 Answers
5142 Reads
1 Karma

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Danil’s Avatar
Danil Sep 14, 2021 491 views

How do I find jobs for a career I want, where do I look?

I want to be an aerospace engineer so I can design machines and vehicles that will enter the upper atmosphere and maybe even space itself.

Leo’s Avatar
Leo Sep 14, 2021 1029 views

Is it worth it to get a degree vs trade school?

#college #college-admissions #college-advice #graduate-school #degree #masters #school #trade-school #highschool #van

Andy’s Avatar
Andy Jul 28, 2021 746 views

What do you need to become an Engineer

I am a 9th grader and i am interested in becoming a mechanical engineer. #mechanical-engineering

ruth’s Avatar
ruth Mar 06, 2020 697 views

how does it help me learn to work on the computer for my future career

#office administration

Jorge’s Avatar
Jorge Feb 14, 2020 1364 views

What skills/abilities and personal attributes are essential to success in your job/this field?


Christie’s Avatar
Christie Mar 12, 2020 982 views

How important is my GPA in the subject I want to major in when deciding a major?

#college #major #college-major #undecided #STEM