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Marian’s Avatar
Marian Dec 19, 2018 686 views

How much does a midwive make an hour? and what is their salary?

#midwives #healthcare #medicine #salary

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 793 views

Whats the most important thing to learn as a doctor?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

jazmyn’s Avatar
jazmyn May 15, 2017 1357 views

What type of doctor should I be?

I want to live in Canada and be a famous figure skater on Canada's Olympic team but I want to have a real career. my plans were either a pediatrician or an ob-gyn. What should I do? #health-care #career-details #medicine #doctor

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 26, 2020 535 views

Is a CAT scan similar to an MRI?

#career #medicine

salma’s Avatar
salma Aug 28, 2020 695 views

Should i study medicine?

#chemistry #biology #medicine

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 29, 2020 583 views

What is the difference between a radiologist and a radiology tech?

#medicine #career

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Aug 30, 2020 628 views

What is the difference between an assistant anesthesiologist and a fully-trained anesthesiologist?

I am curious about the differences between an assistant anesthesiologist and an anesthesiologist who went to medical school. What are the differences in day-to-day life? How much do you work with others? Do both do shift work? Is it possible to become an assistant anesthesiologist and then...

Yeanna’s Avatar
Yeanna Sep 12, 2020 703 views

Is it worth putting in all the time and effort to become a doctor?

I am a junior in highschool and I am considering different career paths and am curious to what it is like, and if it is worth it to become a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. #doctor #medicine #pediatrics

German’s Avatar
German Jan 10, 2019 680 views

What are some things that people should consider before going into the medical field?

#medicine #college #doctor

Francisco’s Avatar
Francisco Jan 14, 2019 546 views

How long does it take to become a physical Therapist?

# #physical-therapist #medicine

aliza’s Avatar
aliza Feb 06, 2019 579 views

Do doctors get fired if a baby or mother dies?

I'm also curious what doctors usually do?
#medicine #doctor #surgery #healthcare

(This question was slightly edited by an admin for clarity)

quintoniesha’s Avatar
quintoniesha Sep 04, 2020 575 views

what school can I go to for a nursing trade ?


vasharra’s Avatar
vasharra Apr 02, 2019 631 views

What kind of education or entry-levels does your job require?

#education #career #medicine

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 532 views

Whats the best school to go to in NY to become a pediatrician?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Aug 24, 2020 522 views

Whats the best school to become a radiologist?

#medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field