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Estelle Archer’s Avatar

Estelle Archer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
United States
1321 Answers
1310425 Reads
738 Karma


Civic Duty

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Alexandro ’s Avatar
Alexandro May 06, 2015 965 views

What are some struggles i will go through while studying for criminal justice?

I am very interested in becoming and FBI. May be a challenge for me but looking forward to the challenge. #criminal-justice #fbi

Erasmo’s Avatar
Erasmo Jun 23, 2015 1917 views

What can I do in high school to become an FBI agent ?

I'm in 10th grade and I want to know more about it. Also, what I have to mayor in. #criminal-justice #fbi

Alexandro ’s Avatar
Alexandro May 08, 2015 1124 views

Where are some places i can go to if i want to be an FBI?

i don't want to wait long finding a job after i'm done with college.
i want to work right after i'm done.
#criminal-justice #fbi

Shira’s Avatar
Shira May 11, 2020 843 views

Do I need to major in Criminal-justice to become an FBI agent?

Do I HAVE to? or is it just extremely helpful and highly recommended? #criminal-justice #college-major #fbi

Daycy’s Avatar
Daycy Feb 22, 2017 997 views

What do you need to do in order to become an FBI agent?

I am asking this so when i graduate high school and i go to college, I can know what i have to do. #criminal-justice #criminology #fbi-agent

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Aug 31, 2017 1001 views

What do I have to do to become a FBI Agent?

I want to become an FBI Agent to investigate and solve the problems/crimes that are going on in the community. I know there are 2-4 year degrees for criminal justice and additional years to get into this career. I've heard things like you have to become a police officer and then be promoted...

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Aug 31, 2017 985 views

What is the average day like for a FBI Agent?

I want to know how life is when being an FBI Agent. How do they get through the day with threats from people mainly criminals from putting them in jail and families of the criminal making the agent's life a bad experience? How is the schedule like everyday like does everyone have the same...

Diamond’s Avatar
Diamond Sep 01, 2017 887 views

Is there any challenging that any FBI agent faces ?

I want to know are there any challenges any FBI agent faces when they are on duty? Are there emotional times when they see things happen from someone they don't even know? Is there tension between 2 FBI agents or them having tension with someone else? #fbi-agent #criminal-justice...

Viviana’s Avatar
Viviana Aug 05, 2019 2363 views

What degree would be better forensic science, criminal justice or criminology?

I'm a student at community college looking to transfer soon and I'm undecided on which degree would be best if I wanna become a crime scene investigator and possibly FBI Agent in the future. Forensic studies at USF sound like a good match but St.Leo University has a Criminal Justice degree...

Blake’s Avatar
Blake Aug 18, 2019 922 views

If I get a bachelors in Criminal Justice what would the next step be for me to become a crime scene investigator.

#criminal-justice #criminology #forensics #law

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Mar 23, 2015 1082 views

what type of job can you get with a criminal justice degree?

i'm interest in criminal justice #criminal-justice #criminology

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Jan 30, 2018 16481 views

What is the difference between Forensic Science and Criminology?

I really love looking into criminal's cases, deaths, abductions, etc. However, I know, or I seem to understand, that Forensic Science is a branch of either Criminology or Criminal Justice. I would appreciate if someone would help explain if I can only do one or the other or if I can work for...

Giovanna’s Avatar
Giovanna Apr 20, 2018 2050 views

If you study criminal justice can you become a forensic scientist?

#criminal-justice #criminal-investigations #forensic #forensic-science

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 12, 2018 816 views

What would be a good school for forensics?

I'm interested in going to college for forensics. #criminal-justice #forensics #forensic-science #science #biology #chemistry

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Jun 15, 2020 709 views

Best entry level position for a career in forensic biology?

Currently a junior working on a bachelors in forensic biology at CSU Sacramento. I am a veteran that is trying to get a career in forensics. #forensic #forensics #biology #criminal-justice #science