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Raju Udasi’s Avatar

Raju Udasi

IT Service professional
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
15347 Reads
1 Karma

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Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 09, 2017 1902 views

What is the best online program for obtaining cyber-security experience?

I may be planning on going into the cyber-security/network security, so I was wondering where and what would offer me the best experience and knowledge on security basics at any place and anytime. #networking #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #online-learning #network-security...

Rory’s Avatar
Rory Sep 11, 2019 2375 views

What advice can you give a technology student on finding a job after graduation and being successful long-term in the field?

I am new to the Information technology Field and I'm currently studying to be certified in CCNA and CompTIA A+. I just really want to be one of the best in this field despite being a new comer. Thank you! #technology #engineering #information-technology #computer #job-search #ccna #comptia...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Dec 13, 2019 6975 views

How difficult is computer networking

I am a student who is a computer nerd somewhat and was wondering what are some difficult concepts within computer networking that maybe confusing at first or take time and patience to learn? #computer #information-technology #computer-networking

Milton’s Avatar
Milton Nov 27, 2019 3287 views

what is the hardest parts of being a computer network architect

#architect #computer #computer-software #software-development

Donovan’s Avatar
Donovan Sep 20, 2019 1128 views

Which certificates should I work on first for my time in Internet Security?

I'm at a place that will help me in the networking field, and I want to know which certifications I should try and get first above others.


Milton’s Avatar
Milton Nov 27, 2019 787 views

how competitive is college for someone interest becoming a computer network architect

#architecture #architect #computer-science #computer-software