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madhulika bhandure’s Avatar

madhulika bhandure

network consulting engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
34786 Reads
1 Karma

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MiKayla’s Avatar
MiKayla Sep 06, 2019 1456 views

Whats a good company for a computer network architect to work for?

I am working on getting a career as a Computer Network Architect. I wanted to know who would be good to know so I can get a head start. #architect #computer #computernetworkarchitect #computernetwork #networking #companies #computer-science

Corey’s Avatar
Corey Oct 03, 2019 1291 views

What are the qualifications to be a computer programmer?


yashvi’s Avatar
yashvi Jan 08, 2020 2355 views

What is different between software engineering and information technology?

#technology #engineering #it #software

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11256 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Kalp’s Avatar
Kalp Jun 04, 2013 136384 views

Difference between computer engineering and information technology?

My son has completed 10th CBSC with 70% marks. He wants to go in IT line. We have two choice for diploma in M.S. University, Baroda. I want to know that what is the difference between diploma in computer engineering and diploma in information technology?

Murtaza’s Avatar
Murtaza Apr 05, 2020 7261 views

What is your definition of failure?

I have seen people struggle in different ways based on the task or project we take up. Does that mean we all struggle in the same way? #college