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saurabh shrivastava’s Avatar

saurabh shrivastava

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
11216 Reads
1 Karma

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Anina’s Avatar
Anina Apr 29, 2016 4911 views

What is the best programming language for a beginner to learn?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. I was wondering what the best language would be to introduce my younger brother to programming. Should I have him use a harder language like Java so that he'll find all the other languages easy, or start him off with...

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Oct 21, 2012 1998 views

Do you need special skills to be an Actor ?

I'm a sophomore in high school. #acting #actor

Barreraomar68’s Avatar
Barreraomar68 Mar 01, 2013 4210 views

What does a civil engineer do?

I'm a senior in high school interested in what civil engineers do daily at their jobs. #engineering #jobs #civil-engineering

lawton’s Avatar
lawton Dec 13, 2019 1753 views

how hard is computer networking/coding?

i like computers a lot and was just wondering how hard this stuff is, i know quite a bit. #computer-science

crystal’s Avatar
crystal Apr 10, 2019 841 views

how to make easy money

#business #money #financial-planning

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Dec 09, 2017 1954 views

Any online platforms I can use to acquire IT skill?

I know there are some online courses offered by Microsoft. #information-technology #e-learning #information-technology-and-services #online-learning