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Emily Grimes-Harris’s Avatar

Emily Grimes-Harris

Analytical Tech / Lab Tech
Production Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Lake Jackson, Texas
43 Answers
49460 Reads
62 Karma

Active Locations

keon’s Avatar
keon Jun 26, 2019 630 views

is it hard to be any type of welder

#college #financial-aid

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 16, 2020 460 views

What's it like being a veterinarian?

#scientist #veterinarian

Dilara’s Avatar
Dilara Jul 30, 2020 1260 views

What's a career field that incorporates physics and computer science?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I am interested in physics, calculus, and computer science. I don't know what I want to do in college but I do want to double major. What are some careers that incorporate this? Is it a good idea to double major in physics and computer science? Or is there...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 841 views

Can you describe a time your work was criticized and how did you handle it?

#college #medicine

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 22, 2019 831 views

What is the day to day basis for someone working as a BIOFUELS PROCESSING TECHNICIAN

This is something i need to know so i can have a better picture of what responsibility's i would have doing this kind of work, the more detailed the better. #electrical-engineering #engineering #engineer #biofuels #biofuels-technician #biology #chemistry

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Jul 13, 2020 1068 views

As an international student, the search for outside scholarships can be complicated, since a lot of scholarships are specifically for citizens or have a residency requirement. What is the best way for an international student to find lesser-known scholarships?

Lewis& Clark College, Incoming junior, 3,92 GPA, Psychology & International Affairs, Looking to bridge the gap between institutional aid and remaining tuition ($5000 a year) #scholarship #financial-aid #college

Kaitlin’s Avatar
Kaitlin Jul 14, 2020 896 views

What job opportunities are there with a Biblical Studies major besides working in a church?

I'm interested in a Biblical Studies major and am wondering what types of careers I can consider with it? I would love to work in a church but want to keep my options open!

#major #college-major #ministry #biblical-studies #theology

Victwhon’s Avatar
Victwhon Jul 07, 2020 780 views

Why is it so hard to get a scholarship for a D1 school?

I’m about to turn 16.
I care about others and like to help others out. #scholarship #financial-aid #help #student #college

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Jun 15, 2020 1323 views

What are the possible careers one can pursue after majoring in environmental studies?

I am interested in studying environmental studies and dance in college and was wondering what careers others have pursued after earning a degree in environmental studies. How were you offered a job opportunity? What kind of resources were available to you during college that helped you prepare...

liyah’s Avatar
liyah May 25, 2020 1361 views

Can someone help me find a job?

I'm only 15 and I need help looking for a job that will accept me. #help #job #career #job-search

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy May 13, 2020 1274 views

I'm interested in learning more about your volunteer opportunities for college students. I'd love to get more info. Thanks!

#internship #college #volunteer

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Aug 11, 2018 940 views

Is it hard owing money to your college while working??

#education #money #finance

Paloma’s Avatar
Paloma Apr 27, 2020 2439 views

How has Covid-19 impacted your career?

#career-choice #career-counseling #career-path #college #planning

Karan’s Avatar
Karan Apr 23, 2020 1381 views

Did you choose your career path to better your life or to change the world?

21 year old Sociology major #careers

Crystal’s Avatar
Crystal Jan 16, 2018 1288 views

What are good ways to study for a quiz, test, etc?

I'm asking this questions is because I suck at studying for quiz, test, etc and plus I'm not a good at taking these kinds of things. Even though I go over #math problems or other questions that I don't get to make sure I understand it well. I need some tips on ways to study for these things.