Marcus Williams
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How do you know you found the perfect career that suits you best and what can I do to make sure I found the perfect career for me? During a pandemic, would my decision be more what benefits me financially or what makes me happy?
Hello my name is Paloma and as of right now I am a sophomore in high school. I'm not too sure what I want to do or pursue as a career now that I am thinking of it. I will like to gain some knowledge and maybe advice as to how you knew and chose what you wanted to pursue. With so many choices...

How do you approach a difficult customer ?
When you are dealing with someone who is visibly upset, what do you do to stop the situation from going to far? #work #customer

How can I be more confident?
I am majoring in architecture for college and I know that there will be many presentations that I will be giving. I am naturally a shy person but I still know exactly what I'm doing. However, when I am presenting I start forgetting what I have to say. #architecture #college

What's it like being a real estate agent?
What's an average day like? What's the average pay and hours of a real estate agent? Do you enjoy your job?
#real-estate #house #career #home #sales #job #occupation #salary #average-day