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Shabeer Basheer’s Avatar

Shabeer Basheer

Technical Consulting Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
10978 Reads
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Noah’s Avatar
Noah Dec 13, 2019 6975 views

How difficult is computer networking

I am a student who is a computer nerd somewhat and was wondering what are some difficult concepts within computer networking that maybe confusing at first or take time and patience to learn? #computer #information-technology #computer-networking

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Apr 02, 2020 2890 views

Where do I apply for internships?

I'm currently a high school 11th grader, looking for internships, preferably over the summer. I'm looking to study Business and Economics in college. I am academically successful if that means anything. Thanks!

#business #networking #internship #summer-jobs #finance

Milton’s Avatar
Milton Nov 27, 2019 1382 views

what is required to join a computer network architect

#computer #architect #computer-science #computer-science