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Prateek Chaturvedy’s Avatar

Prateek Chaturvedy

Technical support Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
7264 Reads
1 Karma

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MiKayla’s Avatar
MiKayla Sep 06, 2019 1454 views

Whats a good company for a computer network architect to work for?

I am working on getting a career as a Computer Network Architect. I wanted to know who would be good to know so I can get a head start. #architect #computer #computernetworkarchitect #computernetwork #networking #companies #computer-science

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 02, 2016 6876 views

What made you want to work in sales for a tech company over working in sales in other industries?

I've been told I'd be great at sales, but I'm not sure where to start looking for jobs. Why do you do sales for the company you work for? What should I look for in a company to work for right out of school? #technology #sales

Sourabh’s Avatar
Sourabh Feb 22, 2020 876 views

Take 2 or 3 years of world/foreign language?

I am a sophomore currently choosing courses for next year. I would like to drop Spanish completely as I have completed my school's graduation requirement of 2 years so that I can double up on science classes and take AP Biology and Physics Honors. However, I have been told by my guidance...