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Jitendriya Athavale’s Avatar

Jitendriya Athavale

Management Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
3461 Reads
11 Karma

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Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 07, 2020 1213 views

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, many traditional hiring practices may not happen. What do you recommend I do for a job search moving forward in these uncertain times?

#job #job-search

Tsz Ho’s Avatar
Tsz Ho Feb 25, 2020 1001 views

Which position in a company is responsible for doing market forecasting?

I am a economics and finance student and realise that my knowledge from school can be applied in the field of market forecasting. However, I am not sure about which position in a company is responsible for doing forecasting and maybe pricing as well. Right now I am a university student, I also...

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Apr 06, 2020 1444 views

How do you start your own company?

I want to start my own interior design company after I graduate college and after I am more known for my design passion, but how do I do that? Would I need to work with other pro-designers? Will I need to start saving money soon after college? Should I work in a design company before starting...