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jeff schmidt’s Avatar

jeff schmidt

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Floresville, Texas
7 Answers
12443 Reads
16 Karma

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FEL’s Avatar
FEL Jul 31, 2024 913 views

how do i get my mix to sit better in the master?

beginner engineer

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Apr 14, 2024 725 views

how should I begin performing?

Im in 12 grade i play piano and i am also in choir

Stephan’s Avatar
Stephan May 11, 2021 1640 views

Does a audio engineer travel a lot around the world?

Outgoing #music career

Maxene’s Avatar
Maxene Oct 21, 2016 1485 views

Which major would be more beneficial: Biomedical Engineering or Music Technology?

I love the STEM field and music, but I'm having a hard time choosing which major would be more beneficial in the long run. As well, after graduating from college, I would like to go into a career that I would enjoy, and not just do for the money. #science #college-major #technology #music...

Miriam ’s Avatar
Miriam Aug 15, 2016 1883 views

Where can i start my entertainment career?

I am in a tight spot but its always been a dream of mine to start being a music producer, and photographer while doing dance, personal training and culinary arts. I really want to start my music, photography and personal training mostly since i feel like it would have more meaning to me. I need...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Aug 20, 2016 1095 views

Is it possible for musicians to make money from streaming since the rates are so low?

I am a recording musician and intend to become a professional. #music #music-production #music-industry #music-producer

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 2266 views

How can I pursue a career that does not assure financial stability in the future?

I want to ask this question on behalf of some of my friends who are struggling with the same situation. These particular friends are unimaginably talented in the things they like to do. For example, one may excel in art and another may be superior in music. As you and I may know, finding work...