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Loyd Linde’s Avatar

Loyd Linde

Network Assurance Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Portland, Oregon
6 Answers
21452 Reads
11 Karma

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Andrameda’s Avatar
Andrameda Apr 12, 2020 760 views

How can I make it to the Billboard top 100 with a album that has been discussed already via social media?

I am a musician that loves to make Jazz music. I am also a fashionista and an array of artist abilities that I focus in. I love exercising and being in my own place with my man. #music #music-industry #sports #singing #singer

Afolabi’s Avatar
Afolabi Apr 07, 2020 2116 views

How to make money from doing what you love

I am a computer science undergraduate, I am not a fan of programming like that, I do and I like it though but I love coaching and acting. But making it in coaching and acting is a tough one.#computer-science #acting #career

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Mar 17, 2020 1100 views

What is the process in writing a song that people enjoy? Both music and words.

I am starting a Christian band. #music

benjamin’s Avatar
benjamin Sep 16, 2019 810 views

how does music play, what does it look like to create music we listen to?

#music #music-production #music-industry #music-education #musician

Tracy’s Avatar
Tracy Nov 22, 2019 589 views

What path did you take to get into becoming a music therapist?

#music #therapist

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 25, 2018 19895 views

If you could redo college, what would you do differently?

#college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice ##college #college-bound #college-recruiting #colleges #university #user-experience #nursing #teaching #education #psychology #computer-science #science #stem #engineering #accounting #business #college-counseling #lawyer...