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Jeff Hahne’s Avatar

Jeff Hahne

Former journalist, Current content editor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
6 Answers
4812 Reads
11 Karma

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Robert’s Avatar
Robert Apr 23, 2020 577 views

I didn't do well in high school. Can I still go to med school

#medicine #premed

Tiana’s Avatar
Tiana Apr 24, 2020 1720 views

Does anyone have advice for college applications?

I'm a sophomore in high school who's looking to get a head start on college applications or improving my resume. I'm interested in business and possibly a job in the medical field (?) and was wondering if anyone had any advice for what I should do to catch the attention of college application...

Sergio’s Avatar
Sergio Apr 30, 2019 619 views

What are some of the qualifications you need to be a fine arts/portrait photographer?

#photography #art

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Jan 11, 2019 768 views

What are some tips on gaining an audience as a NBA Journalist?

#broadcast-media #sports #journalism

Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff Apr 23, 2020 570 views

Can I have a pet in med school?

#premed #medicine

Sibonga’s Avatar
Sibonga Aug 21, 2019 939 views

Im a high school(grade 9) student in south africa who wishes to become a music journalist. What subjects do i need to choose for grade 10 in order to become one

I'm calm and collected and know a lot in the music industry #journalism