Cindy’s Career Goals
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I want to build a property (a luxury treehouse). Does anyone have experience in building floor plans or general advice?
I want to build a treehouse business. So far I have: Found mentors Wrote the why, vision and goals of my business plan Researched the market I now want to build a floor plan to use on my website as a Minimum Viable Product that I can show to investors/programmes. Can anyone please help me...

How can I actually get started in real estate investing in the UK at 18?
I have no steady income (my internship is only 6 months fixed contract), my parents have really bad credit scores so joint ventures isn't really possible. I really want to start learning/ taking qualifications so that I can start ASAP. Is there anyone I could shadow? How do I raise money?...

What's the best way to network with professionals you don't know?
I am a gap year student, going to college next year #GivingisCaring #student #gap-year #internships