Aromas, California

What's a day in the life of an aerospace engineer like?
Aeronautical or astronautical, it doesn't matter. I'm interested in pursuing a major in aerospace engineering, but I want to get a scope of what applying it to a career is like.
#engineering #aerospace-engineering

How do you balance humanities with a STEM major?
I love to write and draw -- they're two of my passions -- but I also love science and math, which is why I plan on going into a STEM field. How do you keep the two balanced when so many claim you can't reconcile them?
#women-in-stem #arts #stem

What does an enviormentalist exactly do? is it a wide range or a specific job?
Because I want to major in being an environmentalist and a lot of people ask me exactly what I will be doing and I really do not know how to answer that. I just want to major in helping the environment. #environmental-services #college #environmental-science #ecology #biology #environmentalism...

How should I go about getting involved on my campus?
I transferred into my current university halfway through my freshman year. I'm a junior now and I still struggle to find clubs and activities on campus that I can get involved in; any tips for a shy guy trying to get involved on campus?
#college #introvert #extracurriculars

How should I go about following up with an employer after an interview?
I just had one of my first interviews for an internship over the summer. I'm not sure how well it went, but is there something I should be doing in this time while I wait for a response back from my potential employer?
#interviews #internships

How should I go about preparing a cover letter?
As I've applying to different internships, I've found that not all internships require a cover letter. Nevertheless, everyone keeps telling me I should still submit one with my resume, but I've never written one. What should I make sure to include in my cover letter?

How important is my college GPA?
I'm considering either working after I graduate or applying to graduate school and my GPA isn't perfect. Specifically, what can I do to show professional drive if my GPA isn't a 4.0?
#graduate-school #gpa

How should I prepare for a phone interview?
More specifically, are there any major differences between interviewing over the phone and interviewing face-to-face with an employer?
#interviews #phone-etiquette
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