Canton, Michigan

How do I maximize my summer?
Summer is coming soon and I want to make sure that I am using my time wisely. I'm also hoping to go into the medical field, is there anything specific I should spending my time on in the summer?
#Summerbreak #medicine

Any tips for studying for the AP Government exam?
There are so many things I'm confused on like which court cases to study for?
#APGov #AP #government #testing #study-skills

How can I tell which medical field is the best for me?
I can't wait to start my career in medicine, but there are so many options of what to go into, and I'm currently debating between a few different fields. How do I know which field is the best for me? I was thinking about dermatology, gynecology, radiology, and pediatrician. #medicine...

What should I do in the summer?
For someone aiming for medicine, what are some things that I should do in the summer to make sure I am using my time wisely?
#summer-programs #resume-building #medicine #summer-jobs #internships

What are some of the extracurrciulars I should have on my resume for competitive schools and medical schools?
I'm kind of confused on which extracurriculars to join that will make my resume look good for competitive schools and medical schools in general. Are there any specific must-haves I should have like NHS? What are some of the extra ones that will also look good? #extracurriculars...

Any tips for aiming for the University of Toledo Medstart program?
University of Toledo is perfect for me right now, and even though I have a long time until I get into college, I really want to make sure that I'm doing everything possible to get into their programs. Any tips on what I should be doing? #UniveristyofToledo #Medstart #medschool #doctor #premed...

Should I aim for a top school like Harvard?
There are so many top schools like Harvard that I'm sure have their own benefits, but should I even aim to go there or stick with any regular college?

Any tips for getting into a top school? For a medical school?
I know that it's super competitive for some schools and for almost all medical schools, so is there anything I should be doing to make sure that I have a good chance of getting in?
#medschool #topschool #ivyleague #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #doctor #premed -school
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