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Hayward, California

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Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 23, 2014 2599 views

What is the starting salary for a small animal veterinarian?

This being for either California or New York please. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #salary

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 23, 2014 106323 views

What exactly does it mean when you minor in a subject, and, specifically, what would minoring in art entail?

I'm a sophomore in high school with a passion for art, but I am not sure if I really want to pursue it as my major. I've been thinking about minoring in art instead, so that I still have a chance to do art but am not tied to it and have other career options. However, as I came to this idea, I...

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Apr 23, 2014 2791 views

Should I do art as a career or just as a hobby?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I am very interested in art. However, I also really enjoy other subjects like math and science. I wanted to know what the pros and cons would be of going to an art college and majoring in art. Also, what would be the pros and cons of focusing on something in...

Teal’s Avatar
Teal Apr 22, 2014 1583 views

What majors are available for people who want a career backstage rather than on one?

I'm a senior in high school and am trying to decide what to major in in college. I enjoy working backstage at theatrical performances, but I don't want to major in theater. I know there are careers in costume design, set design, stage manager, etc... but I don't know what majors could help me...

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Apr 22, 2014 9077 views

Would it be helpful/easier to get a job if you have a masters degree?

I am going to college soon and at the college I am attending offer a combined bachelors and masters degree. Will this make it easier to find a job? #college #business #accounting #job #masters #bachelors

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Apr 22, 2014 1679 views

I have always been interested in being a veterinarian or a teacher. Are there any jobs that incorporate both of these themes?

I am a senior in High School who is planning to follow a pre-vet track in college. #teaching #teacher #veterinarian #veterinary

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 22, 2014 3112 views

what are some careers that work with animals but don't require a degree from veterinary school?

I love being around animals and I think being a vet sounds like it would be really good for me but I'm not sure I want to spend an extra four years in college and lots of extra money. Any ideas for other careers that might be fulfilling to me? #college #major #veterinarian #animals

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Apr 22, 2014 1261 views

What careers are available for people who are interested in behavioral psychology?

I am entering college next year and I want to study children psych. I plan on going to grad school but was not planing on getting a PhD. #psychology #social-psychology

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