McGuire Air Force Base, NJ

What happens if I want to go to the Coast Guard instead of college?

What happens if you don't know what to do in College?
i need help maybe??? #Forcedlearning

Is it possible to complete a psychology PhD under a faculty member in a different department?
I'm looking into psychology graduate programs, particularly looking for researchers who study sexuality/relationships. People in this area vary in their actual department - for example, some are in sociology, communications, medicine, social work, etc. which vary pretty drastically from psych...

Is film production worth it?
I am interested in film but have been discouraged hearing that the success rate is low and the overall process takes a lot of time and waiting. Is it still worth it to go into that field? #film #college #help

What is the best way to learn about different majors?
As someone who is exploring majors and different opportunities, I don't know where to start or how to research on these topics. #college-major #major

Do you have to be smart to be an engineer?
After looking this up online, I have gotten many mixed answers ranging from it being okay to not be at the top of your classes to the discouragement of it because of the difficulty. I admit I am not the smartest but I have an interest in the idea of engineering. I don't know to much about the...

Are you at a disadvantage if you apply undecided to college?
One of my main concerns is picking a major that I really like and enjoy but my interests are constantly changing so it has become a never ending circle of me going nowhere. My biggest concern is that if I don't know, will that leave me behind other people? #college #undecided #majors

What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter culinary?
#chef #culinary-arts #professional
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