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Monrovia, Maryland

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Kinyoh’s Avatar
Kinyoh May 14, 2016 800 views

How soon can I expect a job after college?

I want to know what my chances are so I can prepare in advance. #college

Kinyoh’s Avatar
Kinyoh May 14, 2016 895 views

When is the best time to get an internship?

I am asking because I can learn a lot and get an insight into the field that i want to enter. #college #student #intern

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 14, 2016 1140 views

How path should i take to work in the aviation profession?

I applied to a couple military academies, didn't get accepted. I got accepted at a few collges however financially my family cant afford it right now, so I'm enrolling into a community college majoring in mechanical engineering and will transfer to a four year college. Ive participated in...

Chanel’s Avatar
Chanel May 13, 2016 1183 views

What are some programs that help students pay off college debt ?

I am asking because a lot of these student loan forgiveness programs are scams. It is very hard to pay off my students loans and make a living for my self and my son. I went to college to earn more money and have a better living. Now it just seems like a big scam because not only am I...

Christina’s Avatar
Christina May 13, 2016 900 views

What are the different jobs social workers can have?

I know I want to be a social worker, and I know there are various jobs that they can do, and I would like to know more about them. #social-work

Christina’s Avatar
Christina May 13, 2016 1120 views

Do you feel you are making a positive impact?

I want to make a difference, and want a job where I can feel like I had a positive impact on someone's life. #social-work

Julia’s Avatar
Julia May 13, 2016 1105 views

Does where you go to college really matter? Is money an actual valid reason for giving up your top choice school?

I have the chance to go to a decent school with a good program for free plus room and board grants, and they are also guaranteeing me a spot in their graduate school. However, I feel that the school is not for me. I feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic there, and I don't feel any connection to...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia May 13, 2016 1329 views

Are minors important to employers?

Due to the strict program I will be enrolling in during college, it will be difficult for me to fit in a minor. Is getting one worth it? #employer

Julia’s Avatar
Julia May 13, 2016 965 views

Is it better to choose a career path that is stable and well paying or to choose a path that is has a higher possibility of failure but also more reward?

I have the chance to enter a program where once completed, I am guaranteed a job with a six figure starting salary. However, it is not a job that I would be satisfied doing for the rest of my life. The job I actually want is riskier and requires a ton more effort and grit to acquire. Is it...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan May 13, 2016 1028 views

What's the best way to get ready to be a social worker?

I am getting to start college and I would like to now how to be prepared for this career. #college-major #social-work #college-jobs

Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn May 13, 2016 1096 views

Which Computer Engineering-related careers are in high demand in the current economy?

I am curious about what I should be gearing towards, for the advancement of a career. #computer-science #computer-software #engineering #computer-engineering #software-engineering

Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn May 13, 2016 775 views

What are some of the top occupations for a college student majoring in Computer Engineering?

I will be majoring in Computer Engineering and am curious about the different roles I could fill with just this experience alone. #engineering #science #college-major #computer #math #it

Tia’s Avatar
Tia May 12, 2016 1139 views

What parts of a resume are most important for administrative work?

I was hired after doing a work study, but have a friend who isn't finding employment. He isn't sure what to add to his resume, or if certain sections should come first. #college #job-search #hiring

Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota May 11, 2016 1829 views

How did you pick your career path?

I am wondering how some of you choose what you choose and why. #career #career-path #pick

Dakota’s Avatar
Dakota May 11, 2016 798 views

Why is college important to you?

I am a high school senior looking into why some people are going to college. #college

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