New City, New York

As a high school student, how do I know if computer engineering is the right college major for me?
Am 14years old rising high school senior, I have been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so, I have decided that I want to study computer science in college, but am still not entirely sure about my decision#college#computer#computer science#college major

How do I prepare my financial stability later on?
I am a 15 year old kid who lives the bronx borough and I want to know how exactly I can prepare for my future.

How do I ask Finacial Aid for more money to stay next semester?
I dont want to move back home but the school is expensive.

How do I start my in-field experience?
I study early childhood education and i need to start my in field experience.

Can I change university if i have already started one?
I have just been wondering if people can change university even if they have spent a year or 2 in it just like high school

What is the difference between Psychology and Psychiatry and how can this difference be a deciding factor in my career?
I'm interested in the mental health aspect of people and I really like listening to people and helping them. To my knowledge, both of these studies deal with helping people and their mental issues however I want to know which one is really about listening, giving advice, and being there to help.

How do you start an online career?
What can I do to get the media I create reach a large consistent audience?
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