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Shelby’s Avatar
Shelby Sep 20, 2023 381 views

Hi do I know that I want to major in a certain major before taking the major and end up wanting to switch it later on in the year for another one that I would prefer?

Say I want to major in finance because I think it would be fun but during the first few weeks I don’t like it how do I deal with that?

Danny’s Avatar
Danny Sep 20, 2023 948 views

Is coding enjoyable?

I know when it comes to learning it can be tough sometimes but what I want to know is at the end of the day, is coding an enjoyable experience for those that do it for a living?

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Sep 20, 2023 807 views

How do I pick what to major in, when I have multiple different interests?

I am interested in many different work forces, but I am unsure which will be the best for me. I really like cooking, fashion, and medical work, but I don't know which to pursue.

Kiana’s Avatar
Kiana Sep 19, 2023 1243 views

Advice about getting a Marketing job after college

What are the key skills and qualifications that employers look for when hiring candidates for entry-level marketing positions, and how can I develop or acquire these skills to increase my chances of success in the field?

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Sep 18, 2023 464 views

How did you guys start engineering? Were you first maybe using a coding program or possibly using different mechanical things to put together something that works?

I wanna be an engineer especially software, but I am curious on how I can accomplish this at such a young age. Could you guys maybe give me some hints?

Niloofar’s Avatar
Niloofar Sep 16, 2023 644 views

What are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit?

Hi all, I'm a second year grad student in mental health counseling, and first year intern. I was wondering what are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit? Do you have any tips that would ease the anxiety of not...

jihad’s Avatar
jihad Sep 14, 2023 840 views

What extracurriculars should I do to get into a good vet school ?

What extracurriculars should I do to get into a good vet school? I'm a sophomore in high school. I really like biology and have always liked animals. I decided a while ago that I wanted to become a vet. I really want to get into a good university and some of my friends have started...

Christina’s Avatar
Christina Sep 14, 2023 551 views

How do I get better grades on exams in chemistry and remember the materials that are taught?

Advice on getting better grades on exams in chemistry and remember the materials that are taught

Nataly’s Avatar
Nataly Sep 07, 2023 407 views

How did you transition from getting a degree and then onto a financially stable job?

I'm unsure of how to network

ally’s Avatar
ally Sep 06, 2023 242 views

Pre-med and college

What should I go into college knowing about being pre-law?

valerie’s Avatar
valerie Sep 05, 2023 927 views

What can i study if I want to open my own childcare business?

what. I want to open a childcare center, what do I study?

Lela’s Avatar
Lela Sep 03, 2023 515 views

How do I become a responsible adult when I get older??

Hello my name is Lela, I wish to become a therapist to help others get better. I wanna live comfortably without having to worry about money. How do I start that path? How do I live on my own?

Marion’s Avatar
Marion Sep 03, 2023 343 views

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

Can I make a career out of playing video games?

Carla’s Avatar
Carla Sep 02, 2023 518 views

What is a surgeon?why is a surgeon so helpful? And how can I become a surgeon?

I want to become a surgeon but I don't know how to start now that I am even closer to end my high school am not sure we're to start

Maraya’s Avatar
Maraya Sep 02, 2023 388 views

How can I find the right college for me?

I know for a fact that I want to work with animals. I am in agriculture at my high school and I just love it. I want to go to school after high school but I have no clue where to start looking.

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