Saratoga, California
What if you want to switch careers after you've already started college? How about if you've already started working in the field?
This is part of our professionals series
How can I become a registered nurse?
What does the path look like to become a registered nurse? Are there specific classes I need to take?
This question was asked by a student anonymously
How do I know that the career I'm going to choose will be right for my future?
I'm interested in becoming a registered nurse
This question was asked by a student anonymously
How do you select a career different than the traditional career path in the family?
This is part of our professionals series
What is your career and what are the traits and skills you use to be successful?
this is part of our professionals series
What is a mistake you made in work that turned into a learning experience ?
How do you use that learning in your life now?
This is part of our professionals series
How do you prepare for leaving for college and what are some pitfalls to avoid in college?
This is part of the professionals series
What do you need to become a Certified Electrician for PG&E?
I am a job corps student.
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