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Dani’s Avatar
Dani Nov 14 362 views

how can i be a civil engineer?

how can i be a ccivil engineer

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09 736 views

How do I know if college is right for me?

I am a rural student who has no idea what she wants to do with her life. No one in my town has a 4 year degree, I also don't have money to go to college. I am going into highschool. Where do I start? How do I know if college is right for me?

Manor’s Avatar
Manor May 16 429 views

How can I become a surgeon?

Brain surgeon

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb May 13 625 views

How do I become a surgeon ?

Brain surgeon

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb May 12 767 views

How can I become a surgeon ?

Brain surgery

Melody’s Avatar
Melody Apr 26 460 views

What is the best college choice for a nursing major?

I'm in 9th grade currently and deciding to research colleges and im interested in becoming a registered

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Mar 09 456 views

Can I earn scholorships while in college?

Can I earn scholorships while in college? If so, how do I go about that? I also want to know what I need to know before I begin the interview process.

Tobias’s Avatar
Tobias Feb 21 2855 views

What is the best part of law enforcement and what is the most Deturing part?

What makes being on the force most worth the job

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