Stanley, North Carolina

what are the pros and cons of being an x ray technician ?
why is being a x-ray tech help people with?

why not make a career at home?
why do people think having a perfectional career is all people can do or want in life? to be honest I want to be a housewife I want to stay home and take care of my house and my baby because that is a job as well as all these other ones that were listed.

why have a career when you can make one at home?
why do people think having a perfectional career is all people can do or want in life? to be honest I want to be a housewife I want to stay home and take care of my house and my baby because that is a job as well as all these other ones that were listed.

I don't know where to/start my career.
I want to become an esthetician and make my own business but I don't know where to start

good jobs in medical department ?
what are a good job in health care and how many years of medical school would you have to do?

What does your workday as a lawyer look like?
Hello, I am focusing very straightforward on becoming a lawyer and someday a Judge my question is there anyone who could maybe tell me about their workday as a lawyer? I'm also looking broaden my horizons and get a better insight into the legal system

How do I become a better student?
How do I become a better student? What do I need to do to improve.
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