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Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas May 26, 2016 976 views

What kind of jobs should high school students look for?

When I was in high school, I was limited in my options of finding a job because I had no work experience yet every job wants someone with work experience. I would like to know what jobs kids in high school right now should look for. #college #career #jobs #work #group-work

Aram’s Avatar
Aram May 26, 2016 1073 views

I want to pursue a degree in Culinary Arts. What is the average salary of a Culinary Arts Graduate for a first year entry level position?

I really would like to own my own restaurant one day, but I know I need experience. So I am more than willing to start off working for someone else and maybe even a well known high end restaurant. #engineering #management #music #chef #culinary #food #catering #financial-planning

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna May 26, 2016 3809 views

What are some reasons that I should pursue a career in business?

I am 17 and am really excited to go into business. #business #finance #accounting

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna May 26, 2016 797 views

What is it like to be a black person going into the predominantly white field of Mathematics and Business?

I am a high school senior planning to become a business manager and to one day work on Wall Street. What is your advice for me? #business #finance

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 26, 2016 1015 views

How can I get noticed by a talent agency for musical theatre?

A ton of my friends are represented by Nani-Saperstein Talent Management and I just want to know the best way to go about getting any talent management attention. Should I be the pain until the squeaky wheel gets the oil or wait for recognition in a professional manner? #acting #musical-theatre...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha May 26, 2016 1016 views

Should I audition without an agent or should I get one first?

Many of my friends have been on professional Broadway auditions. Some have talent representation and some don't. Is it best to get an agent or manager or should I just go to an audition without one for the experience?

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 25, 2016 1008 views

Is a double major practical?

I'm very interested in double majoring: in aerospace engineering and agricultural engineering, in particular. I am currently enrolled in a two early college programs that will allow me to graduate from high school with two Associates degrees: Associates of Arts and Associates of Science in...

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel May 25, 2016 859 views

Should I take college courses as a sophomore in school or wait for my senior year?

I have this ambitions of taking AP classes in my sophomore year for college. I do want to get an early college courses done in high school which will give me a broader knowledge for college. #educator #experience #professionals

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 25, 2016 712 views

Does it really matter where i go to college?

I work full time and plan to pursue my degree totally online and just want to be sure I'm not wasting time and money for an education if employers aren't going doing to take my degree seriously. #employer-relations

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 25, 2016 1009 views

What area of business is best to major in these days?

I am going back to school and pursuing a degree in business administration. I've heard that it is better to specialize in an area such as office management or finance. #business #scholars

Katelyn ’s Avatar
Katelyn May 25, 2016 1176 views

What made you want to go into the medical imaging field?

I am interested in why others wanted to go into the medical imaging field. #medicine #ultrasound #radiologist #medical-imaging #hospital-and-health-care

Katelyn ’s Avatar
Katelyn May 25, 2016 1454 views

What do you like most about your job in medical imaging?

I am currently a graduating senior going to college to major in medical imaging. I wanted to know what part of this job is someone's favorite part. I want to know what I should look forward going into this major. #medicine #ultrasound #radiologist #radiology-students #medical-imaging...

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea May 24, 2016 1420 views

How long into your first nursing job should you feel comfortable with making decisions?

Nursing school teaches us the information and how to apply it, but being outside the clinical setting and actually on your own working with all the responsibilities of the patients makes me nervous for my first job once I graduate. I am just wondering as to how long until you felt comfortable...

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea May 24, 2016 1019 views

How do you separate work life from home?

I am curious as to how nurses cope and deal with the hardships of being a nurse, such as losing a patient, decline in patient's health, or some type of situation that is upsetting. I want to know how nurses keep their work life separate from their personal life since I feel it is important to...

Brian’s Avatar
Brian May 23, 2016 12442 views

Industrial Engineering vs Mechanical Engineering?

I have a passion for Mechanical Engineering but I'm worried about keeping that passion as I progress through my career. I have heard that Industrial has even better pay and more demand nowadays. Thoughts?

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