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Abrham’s Avatar
Abrham Jul 02, 2023 683 views

What is a good career path in 2023?

What is a good career path in 2023. Currently I am a sophomore in Oregon. I am interested in mathematics. I am also interested in going to collage, but I am not sure what to study.

xcaret’s Avatar
xcaret Jun 30, 2023 615 views

How did you find the right pathway and being 100% sure?

I am struggling to find my true passion as i have a lot of different aspirations and passions but i simply cant choose. There are so many jobs in the world and i wanna be able to discover the best option for myself but I'm unsure how to find it, any suggestions on choosing the right career...

audri’s Avatar
audri Jun 27, 2023 270 views

what is a good way to figure out what you wanna do after highschool?

i’m going into 10th grade and i love animals but i also love the type of work you see on criminal minds

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Jun 25, 2023 2515 views

What kinds of jobs can you get with a psychology degree that don't require a lot of social interaction?

I don't like people but I want to study psychology

ellie’s Avatar
ellie Jun 18, 2023 1268 views

Is it worth it to go through schooling to become a teacher?

Is it worth it to go through school to become a teacher, or does the pay not make up for the money you spent on schooling? I want to become a teacher but i’m not sure if it’s worth it or not.

Evelyn’s Avatar
Evelyn Jun 08, 2023 260 views

How to get people to notice your business?

I want to be a designer idc if I design houses or clothing I want to create my own business when I’m out of school but idk how people that create businesses make people notice them so I was wondering how the do it?

Avery’s Avatar
Avery Jun 04, 2023 624 views

I'm getting trash talked at work, what do I do??

(TLDR at the end, but I would recommend you actually read the whole thing.) I'm 15 and I work with some other teenagers so my mom said it was normal im getting trash talked since. yknow. they're teens. But it's not the teens that i'm having a problem with, It's the literal grown adults. I...

Lucio’s Avatar
Lucio Jun 03, 2023 335 views

How difficult is it to become a biotechnician?

I really want to be a biotechnician, but as someone who comes from a lower class family and is assigned female at birth, i dont know how attainable it will be for me.

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie May 28, 2023 450 views

How do I pick what to do in college and with the rest of my life?

I am starting my senior year of high school in the fall and I've been thinking about what I want to do in the future. I really love film and I've been interested in becoming a director or cinematographer, however, I've been told that they aren't practical enough. The alternative is...

Avery’s Avatar
Avery May 22, 2023 287 views

How can I study for my drivers license?

I know this doesn't really relate to jobs or anything, but I really need to prepare because my parents are pressuring me to get my license by 16 lol

Avery’s Avatar
Avery May 22, 2023 584 views

As a 15 year old, how do you write a resume?

I have no job experience, a lot of volunteer experience but I don't know how to provide proof, and no government ID. Am I at a loss??

Avery’s Avatar
Avery May 12, 2023 3150 views

Can I say i'm 16 instead of 15 when i'm applying for a job that says 16+?

A skateboard/retail shop is currently hiring and I've been thinking of working here ever since I turned 15 since I know how to skate. I would love to have an opportunity there, but i'm 1 year under the age requirement. I'm willing to take the risk of getting in trouble, but the question is if I...

Avery’s Avatar
Avery May 11, 2023 445 views

Should I have a resume at 15 when applying for jobs? Or do I not have to worry about that until i'm older.

I'm not trying to apply for any specific job currently, but I would just like to know in general since i'll soon be looking for a way to make money during the summer.

mya’s Avatar
mya Apr 06, 2023 315 views

Is there any advice that could help me pursue writing and producing music?

I have loved music for as long as I can remember and want to write music to help people cope and bring joy to people rather than sadness. I want adolescent and adults alike know that they are not alone. I also know that it won't be easy but its something I really love and want to pursue; I just...

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 06, 2023 769 views

How do I make a lot of money with only a GED?

Are people down to earth in the work environment? Are u happy working at the place of your dream? Have u ever thought about switching career paths? Do u have the freedom to explore your ideas? What are some skills you have learned while being there?

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