Career questions tagged ai-governance

How can I break into the AI governance space?
I'm looking to transition into AI governance or an adjacent field (e.g., policy, safety). However, I've been living off savings and haven't worked in five years (I used to do Human Factors Engineering for a medical startup). Since then, I've become a voice hearer, where I sometimes hear violent voices telling me to assault people and developed an eye condition where once every week or so my eyes move uncontrollably up and remain there for ~20min (it's very embarrassing when around others). I just started paralegal courses last fall, began an AI ethics blog, wrote an AI book, and am now in BlueDot Impact's AI Governance course, which I love. Unfortunately I've been rejected by two AI governance fellowships so far and have been looking at internships at think tanks and government but am not sure if my Bachelors in Philosophy is good enough to break into this space. I'd prefer not to pay 100k for a Masters in Policy or the like unless it's really necessary. I know that b cavello broke into the space with a Bachelors in Economics simply by networking. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!