Career questions tagged career-in-the-field-of-biomedical-engineering

Is it possible after high school to pursue 2 major, one in biomedical engineering and another in medcine with a minor in cyber security?#Fall22
The fact is that i want to be a biomedical engineer because i just admire the fact that with the help of our knowledge we can create tools to facilitate medical intervention and be a medical doctor because the feeling that you can save some ones live is just amazing.
Active Mar 16, 2023

With the field of biomedical engineering, are there any problems being a girl?
I heard that in most STEM fields, being a girl means you earn less, there are less opportunities, not as many companies believe girls are capable, girls are of less value. I wanted more information if this was a myth or if it was true and how it might be a bad decision to go into this field. #career-in-the-field-of-biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-engineer
Active Dec 22, 2023