Career questions tagged canada

Do Canadian Universities take into consideration the SAT?
If I take my SAT do Canadian universities use it as a big factor of admission or do they not care as much? What are other big factors that Canadian universities take into consideration for admission?

How do you upgrade from Medical Laboratory Technician to Medical laboratory Technologist in Canada?
I live in Toronto and am currently studying Human Health Science. I have completed my second year and am currently taking summer school. I am still deciding whether to pursue a career as a Medical Lab Technologist or explore other options. The Michener Institute is the only college in Toronto that offers the MLT program, and I am aware that it is challenging to gain admission there. I am hesitant to leave Toronto because I do not have family in Canada, and my friends are here. Studying in Windsor or Kingston, where I would feel lonely, does not seem worth it to me. My question is, if Michener does not accept me into the program, and I choose to study as a Medical Lab Technician first, is there a pathway to become a Medical Lab Technologist without having to study for three years again?

Which career is better Occupational therapist or Medical Laboratory Technologist in Canada ?
I am studying Human Health Science (3rd year) which we learn more of anatomy and physiology also chemistry and biology. I am an introverted person however, I am a good team member and I like to interact with people but not for too long. And I want to have a chance to work part time or a flexible schedule. Also, I want to earn at least 70k annualy before tax because I will spend 2-3 more years studying to have a real job. Please let me know the pros and cons of these careers for Canada. Thank you 🙏

Careers in Canada requiring fluent bilinguism?
hi all, I've been working in the flower delivery industry for a few years. I was raised by my dad who taught me French, and I lived in the US since I was a child. For financial reasons, I'm considering a move to Canada. Since it's a bilingual country, I was wondering which careers required the most extensive knowledge of both languages. I'm looking into the floral industry as well as online shopping.

I'm a Nigerian who wants to apply to a Canadian University to obtain an undergraduate degree and one of the requirements is my high school transcript but I have no idea what should be included in the transcript. Does anyone have an idea what my school should include in the transcript and how it should look like because the educational system in my school is very different from the ones in Canada. Also, should the academic records be from 10th grade or 7th grade?
High school graduate.

which course to take for med school?
I'm brazilian but I want to start my studies in Canada to become a doctor, but I don't know which premed to choose. I am between biology, biomedical sciences and biotechnology. Which of these would be the best choice? #doctor #medicine #canada #medical-school #pre-med #premed

I'm planning to study BA psychology. Is it possible to be a psychiatrist tho and how many years would it take considering I need to take an extra year of science? (Canada)
#psycology #canada # #psychiatrist # #professional # #psychiatry #arts

What are some good universities in Canada?
Hello, my friend and I have been thinking about going to Canada after we graduate from high school. For international students, what are some good universities in Canada that offer good medical and business courses? #nursing-school #high-school #business #Canada #University #College #Business Management #Finances #Hospitality #Doctor

How do I break into the entertainment industry in L.A., do i need to move to LA
I'm in grade 8, I take performing arts classes, such as vocal training, dancing, acting classes, film classes, choir and i want to become a performer in LA. #Acting # LA #USA #Canada # College #university

Do I need a license to work in the Insurance field?
I am currently in my second-year of post-secondary in the insurance field. However, I am not too sure if I need some sort of license after I graduate or if a bachelor's degree is good enough. In addition, if I do need a license, can I just do the license while I am still in school? Or do I have to wait until I graduate? If I do need a license, which ones do I need since I know there are many types? Thanks! #insurance #underwriting #broker #claims #riskmanagement #canada #july20

can someone in ontario with computer science field answer this please
What does a typical day looks like for them? How do they believe their field of work impacts the environment (i.e. e-waste generation, lowering usage of resources, etc.)? (see rubric for more guidance in how to direct this question) What schooling did they complete in order to do their job? #canada #computer-science #environment #biology

can i study BSC in dental Hygeine for 4 years and then pursue dentistry
I have applied to dental hygeine school (UBC) in canada which offers a 4 year dental hygeine course and a masters level dentistry course i was wondering what if it is possible for me to first study dental hygeine then pursue the 4 year degree of doctor in dental medicine. #UBC #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dentist #canada

How would you go about receiving financial aid to go to a school outside of the U.S?
I'm a U.S citizen but plan to attend the University of British Columbia in Canada. I've looked into FAFSA and other scholarships but I cannot seem to find the answer I'm looking for. If anyone has tips or advice PLEASE let me know. Thanks! #canada #financial-aid #financial-advisor