Career questions tagged clarinet

It is worth it to keep music in my life as I pursure college and careers?
All throughout k-12 school, music has been a big part of my life. Playing principal clarinet in numerous all-state events and solo contests throughout my high school career has been a big part of my life. However, I am probably going to pursue science in college, and I am wondering if I should keep playing at all. After all, knowing scales and etudes isn't going to help me much in a field of physics or neuroscience. Should I go with my brain and drop it, go with my heart and keep it, or do both somehow? #music #clarinet #neuroscience #science #physics #stem #double-major

Study Abroad studying a double-major in Music Performance and Business Administration?
I want to become a Property Manager but also I have been playing the clarinet for 9 years and I have filled a decent musical curriculum attending to music festivals, summer camps, playing in various ensembles; advanced orchestras, symphonic bands, professional orchestras, etc. My main goal is to study abroad either in Italy or Spain a whole year, having in mind that I would be studying a double major in two distinct fields. My main concern is if it is possible to do so. #study-abroad #music-performance #music #italy #spain- #spain #clarinet #property-management #business-management #busines

Should I study a double major in Music Performance and Business Administration?
I want to become a Property Manager but also I have been playing the clarinet for 9 years and I have filled a decent musical curriculum like playing with numerous ensembles, professional orchestras, youth advanced-orchestras, attending to summer camps to tutor and participate, etc. My main concern is that these two mayors are in two unrelated fields, which means my time management and classes are going to be hard, at least that is what I have heard. #music #music-performance #clarinet #bussiness #property-management #double-major