Career questions tagged cornell-university

What are Ivy Leagues looking for in terms of grades/essays?
I am a 11th grader, currently 16 years old. I am interested in architecture and hope to go to Cornell. I recently opened an architecture club and I have around a 3.8 GPA. I have only taken 1 Honors and 1 AP class. For my senior year, I am planning on taking 2 college classes and 2 APs. What can I do to improve my profile? Should I focus on my leadership / community roles or more on my grades??

I want to know what I can do to get into Cornell university veterinarian school and find a good high school. What I should volunteer for? What type of high school I should go to and how to get a scholarship to go there (we're low on money)? I want to start figuring this all out now so I have time to prepare
I want help on giving me some options for what I should do and what could help my situation so I can figure out what to do in the future so I can be prepared

What Can You Include in Your College Resume/ Essay to Set Yourself Apart
So I am wanting to apply to several colleges, with my aspiration being to enter Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Science to study entomology. The issue for me is that, though I have good grades, I will have over 1,500 hours of volunteer/intern experience working with animals/ insects, and am participating in a summer program this summer (the summer prior to my senior year) I am unsure of what else I can participate in to set myself apart further from other candidates. For further context, I am going to enter my senior year this summer so I have relatively limited time to add things on and live in central Georgia. Any information would be extremely helpful! #applications #internships #college #gpa #Cornell-University