Career questions tagged cpaexam

Best way to earn 150 credits to take the CPA Exam?
I'm currently a sophomore at Rutgers Business School majoring in accounting and want to know what would be the best way to earn those credits. Should I double major, get my masters, minor in a few things, or do something else entirely? I'm planning on doing auditing for the big 4, but I'm open to advice on other accounting career paths as well. #accounting #cpa #cpaexam #career-counseling

Should I get Masters after I take the CPA exam?
I have a BSBA in Small Business and Entrepreneurship from a private university. I want to take the CPA exam, so I was going to go straight for a Masters in Accounting and skip a BBA in Accounting. Since I am now at a public university, there are about 17 prerequisites I must take before being eligible for the Masters program. For financial aid and time reasons (there are only a few classes between just fulfilling my prerequisites and actually getting a BBA, so I'm just going for it), I am going to get a BBA in Accounting and then take the CPA. Should I still shoot for a Masters after I take the CPA? I've been told by some people that a Masters is irrelevant and some have said a Masters is the new Bachelors since "everyone" is getting a Bachelors degree now. #master #cpa #cpaexam #graduate-school