Career questions tagged earthscience

Biologists, what does a typical work day look like for you?
I'm curious about this job because I'm interested in pursuing it after post secondary. Do you guys have to travel a lot? Work in unusual climates? See alot of insects? #earthscience #stem #biology #science #education #tech #marine-biology #computer-science
Active Jan 15, 2024

Is it a good idea to break my work evenly or should I work with no breaks?
I have been struggling with getting work done in a reasonable amount of time (for me) and I have been wondering if it would be a good idea to change how I do my work. At the moment I have been doing each subject back to back with minimal breaks, but I do not know if giving each subject it's on block schedule would be the better option. Should I give more difficult classes more time to do the work? #highschool #EarthScience #WorldHistory #AVID
Active Dec 22, 2023