Career questions tagged industrialengineer

What is the day to day of a Financial Engineer like?
I am a Senior in college applying to Master's programs. I am considering many schools that have both Master's in Industrial Engineering, and Master's in Financial Engineering. Can anyone in either of these fields explain their day to day a little bit, and how I should decide which path to take? #engineering #college #financialengineer #industrial #industrialengineer #finance

Good Manufacturing Engineering Schools
Hey guys, I just wanted to know what graduate schools out there are good for manufacturing engineering? I'm a mechanical engineering student and right now I'm looking at Rutgers, NJIT, and Rowan University but I'm not sure what's good for manufacturing. Thanks! #manufacturing #manufacturingengineering #mechanicalengineering #engineer #engineering #3Dprinting #additivemanufacturing #industrialengineer #industrialengineering #CNC #engineeringstudent