Career questions tagged medicaltechnologist

I need some help figuring out my plans after college!
This question is very specific to me, but may help others in a similar position. I am a junior in college studying health science with a specialization in biomedical science. I really want to become a medical technologist (not a technician). In your opinion, what is the best path to accomplish this? Should I receive an associates in MLS in order to get ASCP certified? Should I go to grad school for lab science? Is there a related graduate degree I can receive that will still allow me to work in a lab (preferable hospital/clinic lab)? Thank you! #health #career-path #medicallabscience #medicaltechnologist #labtechnologist #graduateschool #laboratory #labscience #student

Does anyone know any clinical lab science masters degree programs in MA or RI? Also called medical lab science, medical lab technology, etc.
It is so hard to find certain degree programs through google searches. All I see are ads and online programs, and I am definitely not looking for an online program. I want to ensure that I'm not missing any schools that offer a masters degree in this subject. #clinicallabscience #medicaltechnologist #medicallabscience #science #career #mastersdegree #college

Is it worth earning a Master’s degree if I want to become a medical lab scientist?
I really would love to be working hands-on in a hospital laboratory for my career. Are master’s degrees in MLS reserved for people who plan on working in management positions? I know I can take courses in medical lab technology and eventually take the ASCP exam for certification. Will a master’s degree guarantee higher salary while still remaining within a lab doing hands-on work? Sorry for the long winded question- I know it could’ve been worded better! #scientist #laboratory #labscientist #MLS #medicallabtechnologist #medicallabscientist #medicaltechnologist