Career questions tagged novel-writing

When attempting to write a book, what are some good resources for finding specific information?
Whenever I try to look up specific information about what I`m trying to write, I often get stuck or can't find legitimately relevant information. Do writers have specific resources they use or do they just make stuff up?

Can you get an internship at a publishing company?
I'm not in college yet, so it might be a little early for me to be asking, but I'd really like to be a copy editor for books and I was wondering if I could get an internship at a publishing company in the future, to scope out the environment and get more experience with the job. Will I have opportunities for this in college? If anyone has ever interned at a publishing company, what is it like? (p.s. I mean a publishing company specifically for books/novels, not really a magazine or newspaper or more journalistic organizations.) #writing #writing-and-editing #creative-writing #editing #editor #internships #internship #interns #publishing #publishing-company #copy-editing #books #novels #novel-writing