Career questions tagged planner

what are majors to look into when trying to become a wedding planner?
I am a 12th grader. I really want to help people make their big days as amazing and memorable. I would prefer to work for an event planing service that of course hires wedding planners. #weddingplanner #weddingcoordinator #weddings #planner #collegemajors #eventservices
Active Dec 22, 2023

What are the best ways to get organized for college?
I have always struggled with being #organized with my classes and homework. Everything gets done on time but its kind of a hot mess of a system. I keep a #planner but its always overflowing with notes and reminders. I honestly think I need a better system seeing as I usually forget about the planner but because of that, some assignments slip through the cracks. Any advice? #organization #college #soft-skills
Active Dec 22, 2023