Career questions tagged rights

Help me make a choice between law or medicine as a career
I'm really passionate about human rights, women's rights, climate change and socio economic issues but I also really like biology and the idea of helping people everyday, please help me decide! #career #law #help #rights #medicine

Will pharmacists get prescribing rights?
The prescribing rights have increased for both physician assistants and for nurses in the hospital setting. Today, pharmacists are still mostly confined to the pharmacy, and there are less pharmacists that are going from room to room and checking on patients. I believe that this will most likely stay the same due to pharmacists not wanting to cross the line into physician territory. But in cases of physician shortages, pharmacists could be the one’s called upon to see certain patients and help prescribe them medications. There are areas where nurses have more prescribing rights, this could possibly turn into pharmacists also having prescribing rights. #healthcare #pharmacy #pharmacists #hospital-and-health-care #rights #prescribing #prescription

Looking back on college, what is the number one thing you wish you did differently and why?
I am asking this question because I want my college experience the best it can be. By hearing people answer this, I will have some foresight of college and knowledge of what to maybe avoid in college. Thanks! #college #help #college-advice #member-experience #rights #be-your-best-self