Career questions tagged stanford

Does certification improve my chances of getting into my top school?
I have 10 non-credit certifications from accredited universities like Stanford University, Harvard and USC universities, but I'm quite confused if they're really significant on college applications.

What are some important things to prioritize on applications if given limited space to convey information about yourself?
I've completed my applications but am currently looking to answer this question in the event I need to fill out more college information in the future.#stanford #college #college-admissions

What are some resources and avenues I could look towards for gaining financial support for college at Stanford?
I would like to attend Stanford on account of my being accepted but the parent contribution is becoming an issue and hindering my ability to commit. #stanford #college #college-advice #financial-aid

How can I look better for my dream college?
I have the basics such as good grades and extracurricular activities but what else can I do to look better for my dream college. #Stanford #college #college-admissions

How difficult is it to swim competitively in college with relatively low experience?
I am a junior, and this is my first year swimming competitively. I love it a lot, but I'm worried that my lateness to the sport will limit my options as far as carrying my swimming "career" into college. I'm decently fast for how long I've been competing--I currently swim a 1:08.13 for the 100 free, 1:31.20 for the 100 fly, and a 0:31.77 for the 50 free (all short course, women's events), and I'm expecting to drop even more time for my last meet of the season (which takes place next week). I've dropped 13 seconds on my 100 free, 40 seconds on my 100 fly, and 7 seconds on my 50 free since the start of the season, and I think I have the potential to be even faster--but the problem is that I don't have enough time/experience to drop my times to anything super incredible. I feel like, given the opportunity in college, I could do even more, but I want to know what odds I'm up against based the experience I have. I know it varies from college to college, so my main picks are BYU, University of Utah, Stanford, or really any other good universities (particularly in the West, but I've considered University of Maryland, etc--nothing outside the US). How do I stack up? Obviously swimming for Stanford (or even going to Stanford) is most likely not going to happen, but if anyone has any advice for being able to swim in college, please let me know! #swimming #stanford #byuprovo #college #sports

How difficult would it be for someone like me to get into a really competitive school?
I have recently been looking into Stanford and it literally looks like the college of my dreams. Great looking campus, low student to faculty, small student body, etc etc. But my question applies because at my high school, I am class rank #1/530ish with a 4.0 unweighted GPA along with a decent amount of extracurriculars and as much AP/honors classes available to take (except for history). At my first shot, I managed to get an ACT score of 26 which I found very disappointing (19 R, 24 E, 31 M, 31 SC), this was mainly because I failed to prepare for the english and I was only half way through before time got cut short and I bubbled in (I am sure I can get this score up though, maybe to about a 30). Despite this, I feel I've have worked pretty hard at all my classes, yet I have made a much greater individual achievement I hope could maybe weigh some in the applications process. Through the course of my high school career, I have lost 100+ pounds of fat, and have made significant lifting gains through my hard work and dedication. I plan to study chemical engineering and apply what I have learned about weight loss to possibly the whole food industry in the future. Change up how us Americans eat, and find better food substitutes to not only improve our health, but also our lifestyles as a whole. Perhaps get into the business industry too with what I know. #weightloss #engineering #chemical-engineering #food #competitive #admissions #transformation #stanford #college-admissions

How can I break into the field of Chemistry?
As of now, I'm an 11th grader who is extremely interested in the field of Chemistry. I have extremely high, potentially unlikely college acceptance expectations -- UC Berkeley, Stanford, and MIT. I'm curious as to if Chemistry will still be a viable career path in our future society, and if so how can I get opportunities to pursue this field of study in college and after? I'd also like to add that I'm also interested in branching off into other fields like physical chemistry, biochemistry, and the likes. #chemistry #medicine #ucberkeley #stanford #mit

What are the best majors to chose at Stanford University?
Hi! I'm a sophmore in high school and I would like to know the pros and cons of Stanford University. For example, what is Stanford's top majors, is it a good university, and what is its admission process? Thanks! #college #college-major #university #college-admissions #college-majors #stanford

What is the first step I can take if I have decided that I will take my chances and apply to Stanford the following year?
I am a rising junior in my high school and I know that it is a really long shot that I could ever end up going there. However, I like to have a little faith that I can apply and hope that the college admissions office over there accepts me. I do not even know what to do now though. I take the PSAT's in less than three weeks so I am guessing that should help me out a lot depending on my score obviously. I was just wondering what to do now with this mindset that I am taking my chances and apply over there. I really like the robotics club they have over there and I would love to be in that club. I am pretty sure I would major in mechanical engineering over there if that helps. I have other options too, so even if I do not get in, I know that I will have other chances to pursue mechanical engineering. I just want to know other people's thoughts on the matter of applying to Stanford University. #college #stanford #college-admissions #college-selection #university-applications #engineering