Career questions tagged television-producer

How can I learn more about sports broadcasting while in high school?
I have always been interested in sports broadcasting, but have never really done anything about it because I do not know how to start, I would like to experience an internship or something similar to get to know the medium, houw could I do this? #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #broadcast-journalism #tv-production #television-producer

How competitive is the TV field?
Because I wish to pursue a career in TV field and I feel like I should become aware of what exactly I am getting into and the chances of me succeeding and failing. #sports #football #television #television-production #television-producer

what do employers look for when it comes to hiring a director/producer?
I want to be an NFL director/producer and I feel that I should probably have a background that impresses a employer. #television #director #producer #employer-relations #tv-production #television-producer