Career questions tagged veterinarytechnician

What is the hardest part about studying to be a veterinary technician?
What was the hardest subject to understand when studying to be a veterinary technician? And what is something you recommend to help me prepare for this corse?
Active Feb 17

Hi, I’m just starting college in the Fall and I was wondering if there’s anything I should know before starting my part-time job as a veterinary assistant and my major in veterinary technology? Like any advice, tips, etc?
I’m starting college in Fall 2023. I won this private scholarship for this veterinary technology program and i get to work at this animal hospital as a vet assistant. I don’t start the Veterinary Technology program at my school just yet as there are prerequisite courses I have to take first in order to apply and get into this program. I’ve always loved animals whether their wild or domestic and I can’t see myself having a career that doesn’t involve helping or taking care of animals.
Active Nov 09, 2024