Career questions tagged vocationalprograms

What are some routes to study mechanical engineering (vocational) ?
What are some vocational routes to getting a mechanical engineer degree overseas after o-levels (IGCSE Result: 4A, 3B & SPM Results: (not out yet))? Any good university suggestions / pathways / scholarships / opportunities I should know of? My ideal pathway - Good/Top Uni, Vocational (hands-on lessons), Work Opportunity(allow me to work), scholarships I know its quite demanding, especially with my results 😭, but please do share anything related. Thanks!

Is "drafter" a still-used position at engineering firms? What skills does a drafter need?
For example, if you were going to a college with vocational courses, would it make sense to try to pursue something that prepares you to become a drafter? Are engineering firms still looking for people to handle just drafting, or do they only want engineers? If they are, what are the necessary drafting programs to learn that make you more employable? #engineering #civil-engineering #drafting #computer-aided-drafting #architectural-drafting #structural-drafting #vocational-school #vocational-planning #vocationalprograms

Is there a good way to find scholarships for vocational training and programs?
As a mom who works full time, I am looking for online vocational training/programs that I can do at my own pace. However, since our budget is tight and I will be needing to take a cut in hours, I am needing to find some funding for school. We prefer not to take out any loans as my husband already has several school loans we are trying to pay off. Any advice on the best resources on funding for vocational programs? #momlife #back2school #vocationalprograms #scholorships