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Melinda Wu’s Avatar

Melinda Wu

Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Memphis, Tennessee
8 Answers
14218 Reads
11 Karma

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Aun’s Avatar
Aun Jun 30, 2020 992 views

Is there Anyway to Turn a Passion for Networking and IT into an Extracurricular for University Applications

In my sophomore year, I took a networking class, which got me really interested in IT. Although I'm going for software engineering, I would like to showcase my passion for IT one way or another in the form of a material achievement that can be used on my University applications. Any...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 14, 2020 942 views

What is something that helped you throughout the process of getting a teaching job?

I am an eighth grader who is wondering about things that could help me get a job teaching. I am looking for some advice about teaching and some smart decisions that you made that helped you become an educator. #job #teaching #education

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 03, 2020 3809 views

Has making your hobby and passion, specifically art, as your career, ruined your enjoyment for it?

I have always loved making art and have been told by many that I should go into a line of work with art involved. However, I fear that once it becomes an assignment or requirement, I will find inspiration hard to come by and will no longer enjoy it; therefore, not doing my best work. #art #career

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 03, 2020 3159 views

What do you wish you knew before going to college and deciding your major?

I have one more year left of high school and am currently looking into colleges and majors to decide where I will be applying to in the fall. As excited as I am for the future, I am very new to all of this and want to make the right decisions when it comes to paying for college, choosing the...

Roxanne’s Avatar
Roxanne Jun 05, 2020 761 views

im 37 and about to enter college again...whats the oldest someone has started back and what was the most difficult part of attending college courses for you?

ive been in the medical field but most recent position was in manufacturing. #unsurewhattodo

suki’s Avatar
suki Jun 13, 2020 1666 views

How to read a book effectively if you don’t know the language well?

Hi! I have learned English for about 10years but still can’t manage myself to read a English book faster and effectively. Can someone tell me how you build up your vocabulary enough to read a book effectively. #books #english #language

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline May 08, 2020 3355 views

Is software engineering a fulfilling job?

I'm a sophomore studying computer science at a large 4-year university. I've been doubting my major choice a lot, and whether I will be fulfilled later in life working as a software engineer or at a tech company. I work as a math tutor right now, and I really enjoy helping and interacting with...

dakota’s Avatar
dakota May 19, 2020 708 views

What are the best colleges/universities in South Carolina for engineering?

My family i thinking about moving down south from Massachusetts. I am interested in studying engineering in college. I would like to know some colleges that are good for engineering in South Carolina. #college-search #engineering #college #universities #southcarolinaunitversities