Tim Hiscock
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What are some jobs I can get in writing other than journalism ?
Any tips for poets/authors?

As an English major, would Psychology be beneficial to me?
I am planning on getting my BA in English-Creative Writing and Professional writing but I also have an interest in Psychology. I plan on doing Journalism and working with either a paper or magazine while also doing my own book.

What is one of your favorite things to do as a editor?
Hello, I am a middle school student and I am curious about being an editor. Editors seem like a fun career to me and I would love to edit things. I would like to know about the activities of being an editor and if it is a fun and entertaining career to do, or if it’s not? If any retired or...

How do you know which type of Editor you want to be?
I am thinking of pursuing editing as a career, but I do not know if I should pursue an editing job for magazines, newspapers, or books, or go into advertising. I know advertising is where the money is at, but I love to read. I applied for my school's yearbook class to get some experience, but I...

What's a good career for a editor
16 yr old editor #editing #editor #social-work

Should my major still be business-esque or something like writing/editing?
I don't know much about the specifics of majors and minors in college. But for a while I thought it was something about business. Now I'm thinking. I like to read so much and write. When I do read (some amazing books btw), my mind goes over and over, unconsciously editing and analyzing, it's...

Where should I start? What can I use to help myself more?
I don't know how to start my career and how to start in this field. I want to be a graphic designer or an editor because I do both of those in my past times, I'm not sure how to move into a professional setting with it. #graphicdesigner #editor

How do I pick a major for my future carrer
I'm a sophomore in high school and I enjoy editing and film making I'm not sure what to major in though #college-major #high-school #carrer #film #editing

How can I get experience in the publication field?
I want to become a book editor, but I live in a place that doesn't have much opportunity to break into that career. #bookworm #opportunities #workexperience