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princess’s Avatar


Lagos, Nigeria
5 Questions
442 Karma

princess’ Career Goals

I want to be a Pediatric Nurse, i would love to treat and see children get better and enhace to the overall quality of life.

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princess Jul 17, 2020 727 views

Can international students get loan in the UK and the USA?

# #student-loans #loans #student-loans #internationalstudents #tuition #grants #student-loans #July20 #college

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princess Jul 17, 2020 727 views

Is it a right decision to apply to the USA for fall 2021 next year considering all that's been going on in US?

#Usa #general #college #Nursing #career #pediatricnursing #internationalstudents #JULY20

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princess Apr 11, 2020 916 views

What are the chances of still being accepted into a college after being denied?

#college-advice #college-admissions #college

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princess Apr 11, 2020 579 views

I just got denied admission into my first choice college in the US, could it be because of the present Coronavirus crisis? Because I have a feeling that international students may not be accepted this fall.

#college #student #college-admissions

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princess Mar 18, 2020 1000 views

I'm expecting my admission from a particular college in the US for the fall semester, is the Virus going to affect my admission decision?

I'm a student from Nigeria who is wondering how #COVID-19 will effect me #college #university #college-admissions #college-advice #college-selection #college-bound