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alicia’s Avatar
alicia Mar 05, 2019 789 views

What's wrong with public wifi?

I want to know why public wifi doesn't work. #tech

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jul 30, 2016 2626 views

Am I required to have a Computer Science degree to become a Software Engineer? Do employers look more on the skill of the person than the degree? Also, do employers look down on people who do not have a Bachelor's Degree?

I'm a First year Computer Science Major. Also I'm taking a Udacity NanoDegree by Google in Android Development. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #technology #software-engineering #software-development #coding #development #personal-development #career-details #job-application

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Feb 10, 2014 49927 views

What programming language should I try to learn first?

I am just learning to program in high school, but I am already learning HTML and CSS and Javascript. What should my next programming language be? I am going to go to college and I would like to start learning my next language now so I can be ahead of things for college. I know that "it...

Ebagaoisan’s Avatar
Ebagaoisan Apr 10, 2013 1895 views

Is there any career options within the military regarding chemistry?

I am very interested in the military and chemistry and I was wondering if both subjects could be integrated together as my career. Right now I am considering majoring in chemistry in college but I still interested in being involved with the military. #chemistry #military