Ryan Nichols
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what are the best ideas to start when im at college
what is the best tips for college, finding different colleges can be hard but helpful. but i thought maybe college can be useful with tips to start your day off with when you first go into that college it is going to be hard working and tough but a work of art #art #college #experience...

How can I start my own business and become a entrepreneur
I am 6'2. I am a junior. I have 2 siblings 1 girl 1 boy. I would like to start my own business one day. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #startups

Where I want to be in 5 years?
I want to be successful, and taking good care of me and my family. I want to be able to provide for my whole family and them not ever having to worry about anything ever again. I really see myself doing good in life, but not perfect cause that would be impossible. #Family-Matters

What are the steps to become an elementary school teacher?
I am a rising high school senior! #teaching #teacher #education #college #school #elementary

How do you move up positions?
Hello, I am a student from Whitmore lake Middle and Highschool. I am doing an assignment where I search up jobs I like and ask questions. #student #Police

How to become a published author
Aside from self-publishing, what is the best ways to get recognized by well known publishing houses and in turn be published by them?
#author #publishing #writing #help

How would it be working for the first time?
I am a Sophomore and I am 15 years old.I have never had a job and want to know how my first day would be. Since i'm only 15 I will be working at McDonalds. This is just somewhere for me to work for now.When I become older I will work somewhere with really good payment.Could you give me some...